Monday, May 9, 2011

Amazon Mom. Because Anything FREE Is Awesome.

You may have caught on to the fact that I spend quite a few of my baby-daddy's dollars on Amazon. Between books, baby gear, and home goods, I have stuff lined up in my shopping cart at all times. In fact, right now I am hoarding a small collection of used Betsy Haynes books, a Fisher-Price kitchen playset for CC, playpen mosquito netting, and an inflatable mushroom baby pool. Rad, right?

Anyway, you most likely know that if you spend $25 on Amazon you get free super saver shipping, but that nonsense sometimes takes weeks. However, you can join Amazon Mom for FREE, and get free 2-day shipping on everything!!! All you have to do is buy baby gear occasionally and they extend your free shipping benefits an additional month for every $25 bucks you spend in their baby store. But, the 2-day shipping is on everything you buy regardless. Isn't that a sweet deal?

So, in case you didn't know, now you do. Enjoy the freeness.

"Let's hurry up on that kitchen set. I'm bored."

1 comment:

  1. I <3 Amazon Mom its the best!! Isabel loves her kitchen and I am always putting stuff in my cart for later ;)
