Friday, November 4, 2011

Pregnancy Update - 19 Weeks!

Ahhhh. This is the nice time in pregnancy. The baby is still small enough to not be causing any major discomfort to my inner self, I can eat mad amounts of food and not feel bad about it, I look pregnant but not orca fat, and people like to do nice things for me, like carry things up and down the stairs so I don't "strain myself." Too bad CC does not exercise this same concern for my well-being and sanity when she wants to be carried up and down the stairs all freaking day long!

This past week, little Baby C. has been kicking like crazy!!! It is awesome to finally be at this point; it was my favorite thing last time and I have a feeling it will be again. I could spend hours poking at my belly looking for little feet and kicks. I just love feeling that baby grooving around in there!

So this week we have...

Size of Baby: a mango!
"ummmm. maybe not this Mango? although, a J.Lo baby would be cool because then we would be RICH."

"those look delicious, but since I'm pregnant..."

"there we go! delicious mango baby!"

Sorry. That was a serious mango digression! Anyway, baby is growing like crazy, kicking like crazy, and generally getting bigger and squishier and cuter every day! I am starting to be very curious about how different or similar this baby will be to CC. I also hope this one sleeps like she does. Let's all hope for that okay?

Size of Belly: I feel silly updating this every week so from now on, no more of this. Obviously I am getting bigger. And will continue to do so until I can't hoist myself out of bed or walk without waddling like a sow. Good times.

My Symptoms and Cravings: I still have heartburn. We'll call this a given at this point and stop talking about it. Just do me a big favor and enjoy all your yummy treats and delicious water and tangy cranberry juice that you get to have whenever you want without fear of fiery retribution. The one thing that is especially difficult is that it is winter and the air is super dry in our house, and I wake up feeling SO THIRSTY I MUST DRINK WATER RIGHT NOW, but then I chug half a bottle of water seeking relief from my dry dry mouth and then I want to cry because the water tries to kill me with devil fire. No one is winning here. Except maybe CC, but she usually wins.

In terms of cravings, this past week I got it into my head that I really wanted some Cherry Coke, and I could not rest until I had a case of it in my house. I made a special trip to the store with my cart-hating child and everything. It is delicious, and obviously full of healthy vitamins and minerals. Also I have been craving eggs, which is weird because at the beginning of both pregnancies they grossed me out to the point where I would gag thinking about them. I think it has something to do with knowing that the baby comes from an egg and at that point still kind of resembles an egg. Extra gag. Anyway, now they are yummy and I dig them. 

Sometime very soon we are going in for our ultrasound!!! However, it seems that my father does not want to know the sex of his grandchild, so I may not be able to reveal it here. Take it up with him. Bill and I are operating under the belief that he won't be able to handle the suspense and that at some point he will beg to know, especially since we will know! We'll see though. He can be a stubborn guy for sure. Love you Daddy!

In a side note, my new little nephew Colin was born yesterday to Bill's sister and her husband, and we are going to meet him later today!! Since we have to be at the hospital anyway...(wink!). I am so excited to have this little guy here finally (although probably not as excited as my SIL!), and hopefully he will be good training for CC in terms of learning to share all the attention. Right?

See you next week for the halftime show!

"My cat posse and I feel that there is too much baby talk going on here. Babies are ruining my life. Also, can we get another cat?"

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